Based on our scientific background and experience with life cycle approaches, we can help you to understand the environmental, economic and social implications of your products, services or technology. This is key to identifying and implementing ways of improving your overall performance, prioritizing practices according to the reality faced by your business.
By combining LCT and IT skills, we can help you to answer the number one question: what to re-design and how to do it. We can collaborate with your team to reach decisions that will improve your performance. Based on your objectives and needs, we will work together analyzing your functional and technical specifications, developing the framework for implementation of your eco-design projects, drafting guidelines and providing you with technological tools ( software, interfaces, and a large etcetera).
We can help you to discover new opportunities of value-added in doing business sustainably . In other words, we can help you to strategically innovate for sustainability. Through example and hands-on participation, we show how, by using design and technology, sustainability management can add real value to your organization. We can help you to develop an action plan and implement it.
By using technology and design, within our wide experience in interactive visualization, we can help you to communicate the benefits of your sustainability measures and programs, telling your business story in an interactive and attractive fashion.
We are interested in sharing what we know and in learning in the process. Aligned with today's critical review of traditional methodologies, and promoting disruptive education models, we have developed training programs in the areas of life cycle, culture and environment analysis, interactive visualization and project management.