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655 kWh/year


119 kWh/year

The tv

* (Datos de una tv. Hay 2.2 tv por vivienda)

254 kWh/year

The Washer

17.3 million Fridges in Spain
38 million TV’s in Spain
16.1 million Washers in Spain

Household appliances involve 62% of the electrical consumption in Spanish housing, 3,489 kWh. Even when they are off, they can by “off-but on”: standby mode can consume up to 7%. The Washer is, among these three appliances, the one whose real energetic consumption depends on how you use it. And there we have dived...

Saving in your Laundry

Selecciona las opciones para tu lavadora y calcula tu consumo.
Puedes seguir probando o ver qué pasaría si te pones de acuerdo con tus vecinos ¡ahorro colaborativo!
Try different options to learn about energy consumption in this daily activity.

  • Heating water accounts for up to 85% of energy consumption dwashing; for most clothing a warm or cool program is enough.

  • Liquid detergents do washers "work less". Go easy on the jet! Unnecessary foam will be created, so the engine will "work" more. And extra pollution will be generated in the life cycle of that unnecessary detergent.

Human beings are essentially social, but the dominant culture tries that we forget about that in order to multiply sales... Our brain rewards us when we cooperate! To reduce the environmental impact associated with consumption, while maintaining and even increasing the quality of life, we can rely on collaborative consumption.

Collaborative savings

Think about the differential impact that the crowd of underutilized appliance dispersed into multiple homes have versus public spaces with few robust and efficient machines (shared washers machines or vacuum cleaners; 'tool libraries' as drills or electric sanders...). Contemporary practices of co-housing in Denmark and the U.S. reinvent ways of living together that the European labor movement had already explored in the first decades of the twentieth century.
What would happen in your building?

How many homes are in your building?

If you live in a house just write a number that makes sense to continue :-)

Your current consumption

Collaborative consumption

* kw/h al año
Together your yearly saving is 270 € in electricity consumption.
If you share equipment you just need 2 washers instead of 10
SWhat do you save altogether?:
COPPER 218 kg

42 KD of Coal

sThis collaborative consumption will prevent burning kg of coal