Relative impacts

Environmental impacts are complex issues. Here you can see how the different transport influences the environment in different ways. Write some of your travels (origin destination and frequency) and then choose a transport to start exploring


Traffic jams of today, as unpredictable as natural disasters and romantic love, break continually the record for slowness. The associated stress alters the rhythm of your heartbeat. Will a flight to a paradise destination give you emotional peace?

But what are the implications of this travel? How does it change the quality of the air you breathe or the metals in your blood? How many species might disappear, maybe taking with them medicines against cancer? How does it impact the scarcity of minerals and changes the use of land?

"Where Do We Go? The freedom of travel" investigates the aspects related to the environmental impact of using different transport means. It will allow you to understand the consequences of your yearly transport habits; will permit you to make a personal estimation of the relative importance of these aspects. Your resulting traveller identity will enable you to understand the implications of your priorities in terms of environmental impact caused by your travel habits.

Global travel identity

This graphic shows how the different travels you added to the list contributed to the three different impact categories.

How important is health for you? and the ecosystem quality? how important do you think it can be the resource depletion? Science can give us information about environmental impacts, but it is necessary to open up a social dialogue to establish our priorities about the different protection areas.

Give them a value to create your traveller identity.

Human Health Ecosystem Resources

or times/year
Travel Distance: Km/year
currently the transport is:
Change the transport:

Add the travels you make in a year to make comparisons and to get your impact identity

Where do we go? The freedom of travel

The project started during the Visualizar 11 at Medialab Prado by: Beatriz Rivela, Irene Cuerda, Lilian Doring, Sergio Galan, Martin Nadal and Christian Diaz.

Beatriz and Irene are researchers in the life cycle analysis and they wanted to make a tool to help people understand the results of this kind of approach the evaluate the environmental impact. "Where do we go" seeks to help people to take informed decisions about their mobility patterns and to influence public opinion on what is meant to be "green" these days.

This project has been possible because: Dani "The Tall" insisted again and again. Abe made the illusion curve grow. Dietmar's enthusiasm gave us a strong push during the first week. Andrew put everything upside down and finally led us to here.


Irene Cuerda: PhD student and researcher in the Technical University of Madrid. Architect specializing in environmental impact modelling with Life Cycle Assessment methodology.

Beatriz Rivela

Lilian Döring: Born in Curitiba (Brazil)Graduated in Industrial Design(1998)at CEFET, Paraná; Bachelor degree in Arts (2004) at School of Fine Arts, Paraná; Worked as designer since 1997 in graphic, video and web design projects

Sergio Galán (Madrid) was born in Jaén (Andalucía, Spain) in 1984. He has a degree in Telecommunication engineering by Carlos III University in Madrid (Spain) and almost a master in Interaction Design by Malmö University (Sweden). He has been working as a researcher, programer or interaction designer and currently is freelancing in Madrid

Martin Nadal

Christian Diaz

Questions arise when you start using the tool. Here you have some answers

If you don't find the answer you are looking for send your questions to

¿Por qué al ir a Dubai en avión el consumo de minerales es 0 y en bici es mayor?

No es cero, es muy bajo y es lógico, porque la parte de consumo de minerales (para fabricar avión, etc.) que le toca a cada viajero por km es muy baja, ya que con un avión se hacen infinidad de trayectos. Sin embargo, de los minerales que se usan para la bici te toca mucho más por km, porque su vida útil es mucho más corta y recorre muchos menos km

El tren consume menos tierra de aquí a Manila que ir andando ¿por qué? y ¿de dónde proviene el impacto sobre la capa de ozono al ir andando?

El impacto de caminar viene del desgaste de las zapatillas, de su fabricación vienen las emisiones que generan impacto a la capa de ozono. En cuanto al uso del suelo (no es cuanta tierra se necesita, sino cómo se altera el uso del suelo), el tren no lo modifica apenas, construyes una vez las vías y listo. La diferencia aquí es la fabricación y nuevamente, lo que te toca de la fabricación de un tren es muy poquito.

La radiación que se produce yendo en tren, ¿de dónde sale?

De la producción de energía eléctrica, que como parte es de origen nuclear, siempre hay cierta presencia de impacto en radiación ionizante, aunque no es muy significativa desde el punto de vista global.

La bici tiene un impacto mayor que el barco?

La bici es usada por una sola persona por viaje, el impacto del barco sin embargo está repartido entre las distintas personas que los usan.